The idea
A mobile sauna for rent that can be dropped off at most addresses. I will set it up with chairs and fire it up if you like. It is heated with wood that I provide. so Get some friends and family together and make your northern Michigan experience one that you will never forget.
Upgrade your Vacation Week
If you are renting a house on a lake or river in Northern Michigan, there is no excuse not to rent a sauna as well. Most summer nights, the air is crisp and the water is exhilarating. Luxuriate in the heat and when you can't take it anymore, cool off while looking at the stars under the cover of darkness. In the spring and fall there is nothing better than taking a high afternoon sauna than cooling off slowly in the brilliant sun. In the frozen winter it's wonderful to get heated through to the bone while talking with people you love. When you are finished the heat will stay with you and you will sleep like never before.
We scrub our benches, floors and walls with baking soda and water after each use. Hydrogen peroxide is then sprayed throughout the sauna. 3% hydrogen peroxide is considered a stable and effective disinfectant by the CDC when used on inanimate objects. This is both effective and has low odor. Cedar and eucalyptus smell better than chemicals any day of the week.
Debrief after your favorite activity
After a long ski, surf, sail, fish, bike or hike hop right in and warm up with your comrades. Arcadia public beach and Point Betsie are two excellent spots to sauna and to warm up after an epic "down winder". We will even get it started up for you so it is hot when you arrive. Trail-heads are another favorite spot to sauna after a ski or snowshoe.
Health Benefits
Frequent sauna use leads to a “40% decrease in all cause mortality.” Dr. Thomas H. Lee, a cardiologist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital and founding editor of the Harvard Heart Letter says, “The cardiovascular effects of sauna have been well documented in the past. It lowers blood pressure, and there is every reason to believe that its effects are good for blood vessels.
A TIME Health article titled, Why Saunas Are Ridiculously Good for You, writes that sauna use lower rates of hypertension, cardiac death and dementia compared to infrequent users.
““Matt Nahnsen is the consummate host: friendly, inviting and willing to work to make your experience wonderful.””
24 hour Rental $325
We will drop off our sauna at the address or location of your choice. Delivery is free in a ten mile radius around Frankfort Michigan. We charge an additional $1.50 a mile beyond that. We will set it up and show you how to use it. If you like we will start it up for you. Let us know what you want and we will accommodate, we pride ourselves on our customer service.
3 day rental $475
1 week Rental $825
Moving unit during rental period
We are happy to move our sauna to a different location during your rental for $50. This way you can have a sauna after floating the river, then we will do all of the work and move to your home for the duration of your rental. If you like, you can move it yourself for free but we will have to discuss details.
Mobile Sauna at Bill's, where it was decided that we "need to up Benzie's sauna game".
About our sauna
Our beautiful Finnish style sauna was made in Pelkie Michigan by The Sauna Guys. It has a 4 foot changing room and an 8 foot stove room. It holds 6 adults comfortably. We clean it after each use with baking soda and 3% hydrogen peroxide. We provide a carpet, chairs and foot washing trays that we will set up out side of the sauna. We will supply water to make steam on the rocks.

It's best if you call Matt. He is really nice. (231) 651-0287
Or e-mail him and he will most likely get back to you